Creating A Better Developer Experience By Avoiding Legacy Code
Android Summit 2020I presented at the virtual Android Summit about how to avoid writing legacy code and create a better experience for your future teammates.
NY Kotlin Meetup, February 2019I presented with my coworker Brian Plummer to demonstrate how anyone can contribute to the Kotlin language, specifically for providing code samples that appear in the Kotlin documentation.
Droidcon London 2019The third iteration of this talk, and the best one yet. I spoke about the benefits of the robot pattern for more maintainable UI and unit tests.
NY Android Meetup, October 2019I presented about the static analysis tools ktlint and detekt that I implemented at OkCupid, and how it helped us avoid bikeshedding and code smells.
Droidcon NYC 2019This talk is all about code comments - understanding when we can avoid them and how to optimize the helpfulness of the comments we keep.
Community Driven, Community Built: The Droidcon Boston App Story
Droidcon Boston 2019I spoke with Chris Corrado about our experience volunteering on the Droidcon Boston conference app. We share tips and tricks for working with distributed teams of volunteers.
Chicago Roboto 2018The robot pattern is a way to help you write more readable and maintainable tests. This talk highlights the benefits of this pattern with respect to UI testing, so you don't have to abandon your Espresso tests every time you change a screen.